Design Boards and a Sleepy Pup

The last few days have been filled with spring garden projects and beginning to harden plants off to be out in the garden soon. Today it decided we needed a break and it rained all day. Perfect day for indoor activities.. which for me meant getting a few more quilt design boards done.

Following the tutorial from the wonderful Lori Holt … I made a few a couple of years ago and I use them quite a bit. So much so they have been on my to make “more” list for a while.

Last time when I made them I used hot glue. Well this time I changed things up a bit. I tested out using heat bond and I love it so much! Plus no more burnt fingertips on the hot glue.

I used my bias tape maker and a jelly roll to make strips, zig zag stitched over the seam and then ironed heat bond to the side with the seam (I feel like the seam is just a bit more secured this way)

I like to iron the edges first.

Then press down one side, then the other. The corners stay pretty well but I like to add a bit of fabric glue and then put some quilt clips on to secure it well.

Thats it. Lori has a whole tutorial for how to make them. Lots of good suggestions in the comments too. I will warn you… these make quilting so much easier to stay organized when piecing… You won’t be able to make sure one.

And of course Miss Daisy was very helpful as always. She takes her supervising job very seriously as you can see. Perfect time for napping.

Summer Days

Every winter when the days are short and everything seems to slow down I plan for the coming spring. And every year I think “this is it, this is the year I have a solid plan and will get things done” and every year the cart goes off the rails. I have decided that this year I am accepting that I am just along for the ride.

We did manage to get the rock down in the garden before the heat hit. Thank goodness. With this heat we can manage a bit of time in the garden but not long before we cool off in the pool. Which the boys are are very much enjoying this summer. The garden is doing well although the Japanese Beetles have been wreaking havoc. We applied beneficial nematodes however we waited too long and they were already pretty well established. Leigh Anne with GlennLeighFarms got herself a dust buster to vacuum them up. Mine should be arriving any day now, I am determined to save the rose hips and rhubarb! Wish me luck.

Finished up the pre order for Mushroom Root, whew that took a lot out of me. Happy that everything has been sent off to their new homes. At first I kind of didn’t know what to do with myself to be honest. I had been so focused on getting the orders done that everything else got pushed to the side. It has been nice to putter in the sewing room, finish up quilts for the boys I started a while back. I have been planning all the new projects I want to do. I want to sew some dresses, start some quilts, work on fairy houses, try my hand at watercolors, knit a few rows, cast on a few things…. throw in some embroidery, crochet and oh I almost forgot. Spinning. I ordered the Ashford espinner 3 and I so excited!

Miss Clover has taken to her role as emotional knitting support companion. More like crochet support companion. I have been trying to crochet this cowl and my gosh I can’t get my stitch count right the first time for anything. It is only an 18 row pattern and I think I have done each row 2-3 times to get the stitch count right. I would have several of these by now if I had the right amount of stitches the first time.

I am excited for fall. I had plans for the pottery for the fall and holiday season but I am not sure if I will be pushing through to do that this year. I am leaning towards taking a break from this season and embrace a slower pace. We shall see. I am looking forward to crisp air, steaming mugs of magical goodness.. add in some cozy knits and I am all set.

I just set out my little kit from Alicia Paulson (Posiegetscozy) on my knitting dresser. I told myself I couldn’t start it until I finish one of my current works in progress. We shall see if I can stick to that.

I would love to hear what you are working on. Did you plant a garden this year? How is it going so far?