Pumpkin Cottage, Arm warmers and Miss Poppy.

This past week has been a hodge podge collection of things. I finally finished one of the fall ceramic collections I had been working on and got it in the kiln for it’s first firing. Now comes the part of sketching, painting the designs and glazing. For some reason I always seem to take a bit of break during this part. I think because I am so focused it takes a lot out of me. So when they are finally in the kiln it’s like I am taking a breath that I had been holding. If that makes sense.

Anyway during that time I dove into crocheting. I learned the basics long ago when I was a kid but never grasped any real concept. I have been knitting for some years now and feel comfortable in that space. Still much to learn though! And well I saw a piece… I don’t even remember what it was now. So I started reading and I was understanding it very differently than I remembered. I got a hook and tried and failed many times over. I think this glove was started and ripped out 7 times. Although the first two patterns were horribly written (no this time it was not just me and my misunderstanding) third pattern was the trick, beautifully written and I was able to challenge myself because whoa the technical aspect for me was a whole new world but I got there in the end and I am so excited.

This was my first attempt before I changed patterns. This one was not well written at all but also the scale portion went too far up the hand making it impossible to do anything while wearing them. I prefer to be able to use my fingers when I have on fingerless gloves.

The below image is the pattern that is beautifully written. It is by Seda Demir Ortolina of Happy Seal Design which you can find on Ravelry.

I used an acrylic yarn that I had on hand because I knew this was just a tester. I try to keep acrylics for other projects… I am not a fan of acrylic yarn for garmet items. There I prefer wool. To each their own.. just my preference. Anway so I got this glove done. I am very pleased and will be working my next one in a cashmere merino blend.

I also did a bit of baking, usually make a few loafs of bread a week. Made some elderberry jam and got some pumpkins from the garden processed and in the freezer. Along with homeschooling and other adventures around the house it has been a busy week.

Hope you are well my friends.

Design Boards and a Sleepy Pup

The last few days have been filled with spring garden projects and beginning to harden plants off to be out in the garden soon. Today it decided we needed a break and it rained all day. Perfect day for indoor activities.. which for me meant getting a few more quilt design boards done.

Following the tutorial from the wonderful Lori Holt … I made a few a couple of years ago and I use them quite a bit. So much so they have been on my to make “more” list for a while.

Last time when I made them I used hot glue. Well this time I changed things up a bit. I tested out using heat bond and I love it so much! Plus no more burnt fingertips on the hot glue.

I used my bias tape maker and a jelly roll to make strips, zig zag stitched over the seam and then ironed heat bond to the side with the seam (I feel like the seam is just a bit more secured this way)

I like to iron the edges first.

Then press down one side, then the other. The corners stay pretty well but I like to add a bit of fabric glue and then put some quilt clips on to secure it well.

Thats it. Lori has a whole tutorial for how to make them. Lots of good suggestions in the comments too. I will warn you… these make quilting so much easier to stay organized when piecing… You won’t be able to make sure one.

And of course Miss Daisy was very helpful as always. She takes her supervising job very seriously as you can see. Perfect time for napping.