Knitting magic loop vs double pointed needles

So I am still a beginner with knitting. I starting knitting while I was pregnant with our twins so about 6ish years ago. Since I started I have done only a handful of colorwork projects that worked with two different colors, like a striped hat with red and white.

This project was my reward for finishing the boys’ cardigans in time for Christmas. The first ones I ever knitted for them were pullovers and they took me forever to knit. They were my first attempt at knitting sweaters and I was going at a snails pace. So by the time I was done…. the boys had grown so much that their heads did not fit through. (Trust me I tried desperately to make them fit hahahah) I kept them for nostalgia but had to begin again. This time I made them button front, went a few sizes up and tried to knit as fast as I could. It was a good exercise and I was beyond thrilled that I finished even if I was sewing the buttons on into the wee hours of Christmas morning.

Cardigan pattern by

With those done and that goal accomplished I had set this mitt pattern aside for me. I wanted to give it a go and see how I faired with working a color work project like this.. before I dove back into knitting another double project for the boys. Twins = I knit double everything.

For my celebratory knitting project for myself I chose the Briar Mitt pattern by

The pattern is so easy to follow. I have tried so many knit patterns.. many a times I end up frustrated because I am not grasping what I am supposed to do. This pattern is a breeze and so fun. I was excited to read my first color chart and again her instructions make this knit super easy and fun.

Now the crux. Double pointed needles and I do not get along. I have an issue with keeping the tension between the needles then throwing in colorwork on top of it was not a good mix. I knitted this first mitt as my swatch, to get a feel for the pattern and how my tension was with the double pointed needles.

I extended the cuff by 5 rounds to make it longer… personal preference. The tension was a bit too tight which I figured would be the case. Not too sure what happened and made that wobble appear on the thumb… oops.

I was beyond thrilled to have it finished and how easy I found following a color chart to be. It was great practice but keeping the tension with double pointed needles and working with multiple colors… I found it maddening. So this second go round I went up one needle size and decided to pitch the double pointed needles and go with magic loop instead. What a difference and I am only just on the cuff…

I did an extra row after casting on and then started on the colorwork. So far I can feel a huge difference with the size. The tension feels even and I am able to work it up quick while keeping the tension even across the piece. I am excited to get to the flowers and see how differently it works up on magic loop.

I should have known to start out with magic loop vs double pointed needles. Even when working sleeves I will opt for working on circular needles or magic loop, anything to stay away from those dreadful dpns… but I wanted to give the pattern a try in it’s original form before I went off and made adjustments for my style of knitting.

Anyway… there is my two cents. This pattern is amazing. I cannot wait to finish these mitts up and start on the cowl. Beautiful pieces easy to follow patterns. If you are new to colorwork this is a good challenge starter.

I would love to hear about your experiences with double pointed needles, knitting, colorwork…. do you have any knitting quarks/tricks that make it easier for you?

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